

US PATENT NO. 6,613,859 B2

  • Water based release agent
  • General purpose release coating for film tapes
  • Based on a modified polyurethane with easier processing properties than PVODC
  • No heating required during transportation and storage
  • RA-13W solution is stable, free of precipitation and gelation
  • Effective release in a variety of pressure sensitive tapes where the adhesive is based on SIS block copolymers, SBR, natural rubber, and solvent acrylics
  • Effective release in OPP packaging tapes, polyethylene-backed diaper fastening tapes, vinyl and filament tape construction
  • Delivered at 29% Total Solids


US PATENT NO. 6,632,537 B2

  • Water based release agent solution
  • Enhanced Release Properties
  • No heating required during transportation and storage
  • RA-15W solution is stable, free of precipitation and gelation
  • Yields easy to moderate unwind in premium packaging tapes, filament tapes and the like
  • Effective release in a variety of pressure sensitive tapes where the adhesive is based on SIS block copolymers, SBR, natural rubber, and solvenated acrylics
  • Effective release in OPP packaging tapes, polyethylene-backed diaper fastening tapes, vinyl and filament tape construction
  • Delivered at 28% Total Solids

RA-13W, RA-15W, AND RA-42W
Canadian Patent No. 2446495
European Patent No. EP1397245



  • Release agent pre-dissolved in recoverable solvent
  • Stable solution during transportation, storage, and coating even below freezing temperature
  • Prevent clogging the gravure rolls during coating application which decreases production downtime and waste
  • Easily integrates into most existing release coater production lines
  • Designed to release on most common types of adhesives, such as SIS, SIS/SB, SBR, natural rubber and acrylic based adhesives
  • Effective release for most backing materials such as polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester, PVC and paper
  • Delivered at 39% Total Solids



RA-23S is a high total solids solution of a polyurethane release agent in a recoverable solvent. It offers significant improvements over other release agents, such as PVODC.

While most release agent solutions must be maintained above ambient temperatures (~75ºF or 25ºC) by heating to prevent precipitation of the release agent on transfer, storage and coating, RA-23S is stable without heating, even below freezing temperatures, at all concentrations of its solutions. The absence of a heating requirement reduces energy cost, fire hazards, and the possibility of clogging the gravure rolls that could cause inadequate coat weight and thus yielding excessive unwind adhesion and wasted rolls of tape.


US PATENT NO. 6,641,922 B2

  • Water based release agent designed for paper-backed tapes with high total solids
  • Based on polyurethane/acrylic dispersion
  • Effective release in a variety of pressure sensitive tapes where the adhesive is based on SIS block copolymers, SBR, natural rubber, and solvenated acrylic
  • Delivered at 40% Total Solids


US PATENT NO. 6,641,922 B2

  • Enhanced water based release agent designed for paper-backed tapes with high total solids
  • Based on polyurethane/acrylic dispersion
  • Effective release in a variety of pressure sensitive tapes where the adhesive is based on SIS block copolymers, SBR, natural rubber, and solvenated acrylic
  • Delivered at 40% Total Solids